Rivers of Green

st paddys

Everyone is desperate for a reason to celebrate. Why else would St. Patrick’s Day be so popular? Most people you ask have no idea what St. Patrick’s day is even celebrating. Obviously, some dude named St. Patrick. Oh, and he’s Irish. That’s about it! Nowadays it’s just an excuse for people to consume as much alcohol as they can and party while wearing absurd green outfits. What a weird day. Oh and if you actually care about what it stands for, Google it. (It’s not that exciting.)

St. Patrick’s day really occurred for me on Pi Day in Columbia, South Carolina. I have never seen a sea of green so massive. Even the fountains were shooting out green water, an odd sight to behold. The celebration began around 9 am and continued for… forever. It was a lot of fun, don’t get me wrong, but it is quite the commitment to celebrate for over 12 hours straight. As my friend kept telling me, “It’s a marathon not a sprint.”.

The sunset in the picture above capped off a wonderful Saturday in Columbia. I clearly remember the moment when the picture was taken because there were four or five of us walking down a hill, walking home, when we all stopped to gaze at the sky. All day it had been cloudy and rainy, and the emerging sunset just captivated us. Even amidst the chaos, the sight of a breathtaking sunset was enough to make us stop and soak in the natural beauty of the world. That makes me happy.

In honor of the actual St. Patrick’s day, I wore a green shirt to work. I’m not sure if I wore it to be festive or if I still have an irrational fear that I’m going to be pinched like in elementary school. (Probably the latter.)